General layout (style) question

Hello guys,

so sorry if I've missed existing answer to this question.

I have portrait oriented image as desired background picture.
I wanna force full width of it, and proportionally resized height for that element.

How to achieve this simple layout?
At this point, it really doesn't matter will I have some content over it or not (although, it will be nice to hear solution for both cases).



  • Hi,

    would be great if you can show us on screenshot what exactly you want to achieve + send us link to page where you want do this.
  • Hello again,

    I don't think we need illustration for this simple question.

    Let me simplify it...

    How can I force height of section by height of background picture (set to Center No-Repeat Fixed Cover)?

    So, I need new section style which isn't Full width (section height set by height of content) or Full Screen (section height set by window height).

    I really hope I was understandable now :)


  • Yes, we understand you very well. However, we do not have such possibility included unfortunately.
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