Icon Box link text wrapping issue

Hi there, 

Is there any chance to avoid links from wrapping in Icon Boxes? Please check on this page http://www.cortedeigrecivenice.com/it/location/ , if you scroll and go on the icon box with title "Dall’aeroporto "Marco Polo"" you'll see that the link "compagnia ALILAGUNA" is wrapping. How can I disable that?



  • Hey,

    to put the links in the same line as text, please use the following css:
    .icon_box a { display: inline !important; }
  • Thanks! Worked perfectly. I have another couple of issues: 

    1. On this page http://www.cortedeigrecivenice.com/it/location/ , the second row of Icon Boxes (3 icon boxes aligned) doesn't show up properly when using Firefox (See here: http://www.cortedeigrecivenice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/icon_boxes.png

    2. I've activated the back to top functionality in the footer. As I'm using a bottom floating bar I've tried to reposition the flag (back to top) both on desktop + mobile. Desktop is working fine, but mobile the position doesn't reflect the code. Here's the code I'm using in custom css: 

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)  {
    .nice-scroll #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top { bottom: 70px !important; right: 20px !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky { background: #C79D61 !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky .button_icon i { color: #FFF !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top { border-color: #C79D61 !important; }}

    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
    .nice-scroll #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky { bottom: 90px !important; right: 80px !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky { background: #C79D61 !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky .button_icon i { color: #FFF !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top { border-color: #C79D61 !important; }}

    Thanks for letting me know how to fix these, 

    Best Regards!

  • 1. These icons shows fine on our end. But we suggest to use DIVIDER item between rows and this should do the trick on your end as well.

    2. Sorry but we do not see anything wrong here. We checked on mobile and all is fine.
  • Thanks a lot for your feeback: 

    1. Fixed - the divider worked like charm. Cheers! :)

    2. It's strange works on desktop when you reseize to mobile size but not actually on the mobile itself when using this code: 

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)  {
    .nice-scroll #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top { bottom: 170px !important; right: 20px !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky { background: #C79D61 !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top.sticky .button_icon i { color: #FFF !important; }
    #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top { border-color: #C79D61 !important; }}

    See the example below (valid for all pages)


    3. Last but not least, I'd like to ask you how to remove the padding (which appears on mobile only) which appears on this pages and most of the other internal pages.. 


    Thanks a lot for your continous support!

  • 2) Nothing is strange here. You added fixed bar at the bottom and that's why how it looks like. We are not sure what you want to do exactly here.

    3) It's because of your logo size. You set 130px of logo size what is definitely too much for mobile and that's why you got this space. We suggest to decrease logo size for mobile with extra css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #Top_bar #logo { height: 80px !important; }
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