How to set a standard slider for single posts

Hi there,

Is it possible to set a slider to show on single posts by default?

For ex: I already have a bunch of posts and would like to add a slider on top of them all. Instead of going one by one on each post and set the media Slide | Rev Slider.

If its not possible, perhaps that would be a nice feat in the future.. same goes for the products on the Shop



  • I found that there is a a way to do something similar, but only to the entire site in Theme Options > Global > Advanced | Advanced: Slider shortcode

    An option to do the same but for specific single pages (blogs, shop products, etc. ) 

    that once u set it would show that slider on every blogpost.

  • Hey,

    at this moment we do not have anything like that included but we will consider it while theme updates.

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