Scroll not smooth when over video


On the bottom on the homepage of my site,, there is a large, full-width, video. There are some scrolling issues when scrolling up and down the page

Chrome: When I use the scroll wheel on my mouse, everything scrolls just fine. It is smooth with no issues. However, when I use my left mouse click and drag the browser's scroll bar down, the scroll is very choppy when I scroll over the video. It's difficult to get through it and almost sees as if it freezes.

FireFox: When I use the scroll wheel on my mouse, it does not allow me to scroll at all. It appears to totally freeze up all scrolling ability. When I use my left mouse click and drag the browser's scroll bar down, the scroll is very choppy when I scroll over the video. It's difficult to get through it and almost sees as if it freezes.

Please let me know some ways I can try to fix this. It is a big issue for me and a huge UX issue. Thanks in advance!!


  • FYI - Your "Template" feature does not work properly. I tried to import a template and was VERY careful to choose insert AFTER content. However, it replaced all of my content on the page and the entire site is gone. All of the content that was on the Muffin Builder was erased... and it didn't even add the template item I was importing. The page must automatically "Update" once you attempt an import, because everything was permanently gone. 40+ hours of work, gone.

    This is not the first time there has been a BeTheme bug and my site has been badly effected. I didn't have a backup yet of this particular site. I am very, very unhappy with Muffin Group right now and don't think I will continue purchasing your themes.
  • Hi,

    the link you sent above, does not work unfortunately.
  • Please check now. Luckily, my server ran a backup just before the crash.
  • Still does not work.
  • I am sorry, missed a letter in there. The site is

    The scroll is very choppy on all browsers. Each browser has different level of "choppiness" while scrolling over the bottom video
  • Ok, now it works. If scroll is choppy, switch from Enllax parallax to translate3d. Hope this would help because except that we do not see anything else.
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