Images in full-size - creates huge sites

i worked with the VC in BeTheme and uploaded some images (normaly Hight Quality, but for later cropping etc.) - after inserting in template i find them in normal size... so there are about 6 pics around 4-6mb each. This creates an unusuable Website.

Am i doing anything wrong?


btw: i am using Media Library+, but i dont think this changes sth.


  • Hi,

    uploading images via VC has nothing to theme. All functions responsible for theme images are located under functions/theme-functions.php and all resize to the right sizes of course. So the problem you have is unbound to theme.

  • edited April 2016
    So - little question: would this problem disappear if i switch to muffin builder?

  • If you will be uploading images via Muffin Builder, then yes, the problem supposed to disappear.
  • ok... it was done with muffin uploader - images still stay huge. i have no clue what could have gone wrong :(

    Thank you for your informations.
  • edited April 2016
    Ok, i found that the photobox doesn resize. Is there a way for the muffin builder to tell them to fit it in the largest one without handling all by hand?

    Edit: same with storybox
  • This is not possible unfortunately, sorry!
  • edited April 2016
    So is my described problem not possible (1) or is it impossible to fix this error by giving pictures fixed ratios or sizes (2)?

    If second: so i have to edit all pictures by hand, by auto-optimizing them for web - so if the client wants so upload one stuff automatically the largest picturesize is picked?
    This is really unpleasant and may damage the whole site because of bad performance.

    I wanted to use this theme for new clients and so, buy new licenses.
    Will this be fixed in upcoming versions? Otherwise it is not usable for clients that upload own pictures.
    Kinda sad.
  • We may suggest to use the tool like to optimize images online. It's fast and works pretty good. We use it sometimes with good results.
  • Thank you, but this isnt at all any workaround.

    Just to get this straight: will there be a auto-optimization soon for pictures in the system or will clients be bound to do such a workaround?
    It's not about the tools itself - it is about the user-friendlyness for clients who just want to replace pics and a bit of text.
    I really like your system and some of the agencys i work for are using it because of me. But to keep on using it it should be ... better.
    Dont get me wrong, this is the only point i am not satisfied with your product, but it is a huge point. every second an huge image is loading it kills traffic and user conversion.

    Best regards for your team,
  • No, there won't be anything like that. For all images and their sizes is responsible WP itself so if you would like to see such feature in the future versions, you should move this question on WP forum because there is nothing what we can do in this matter on our side.
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