Custom Skin colors - action bar button options

Hi, I'm using a custom skin, but can't see mto find the option in the Colors secton that controls the colors used for the action button in the right top bar. Looking at the predefined skin CSS files, there are button theme styles which seem to control that but I can't find the option that can override them. I can always do this through custom CSS but would prefer to be able to do it with a theme option. Could you please point me to the appropriate one to use? 


  • Did some more digging and it looks like it is controlled by the color-theme property but for some reason the dynamic CSS that is being generated in style-colors.php for the skin includes the following rule 

    .button-stroke a.button.button_theme:not(.action_button), .button-stroke a.button.button_theme:not(.action_button), .button-stroke a.button.button_theme .button_icon i, .button-stroke, .button-stroke button, .button-stroke input[type="submit"], .button-stroke input[type="reset"], .button-stroke input[type="button"] {
       border-color: <?php mfn_opts_show( 'color-theme', '#2991d6' ) ?>;
       color: <?php mfn_opts_show( 'color-theme', '#2991d6' ) ?> !important;

    which seems to specifically exclude applicability to the action button. 

    In the corresponding predefined skins css file the same rule does not have the :not part 

    .button-stroke a.button.button_theme, .button-stroke a.button.button_theme .button_icon i, .button-stroke,
    .button-stroke button, .button-stroke input[type="submit"], .button-stroke input[type="reset"], .button-stroke input[type="button"] {
       border-color: #2991d6;
       color: #2991d6 !important;

    Is there a specific reason for this? Am I missing a specific option to define the color for the header action button? 

  • Hi,

    Action Button color can be changed with custom css only. If you will send us link to page where you want to change it's color, we will tell you which css would be the best.

  • Thanks for confirming. I can do the custome CSS part so no need for help on that front. 

    It is still unclear to me why the custom skin rules are different from the predefined skin rules when it comes to the action button as explained above. From what I could tell, it appears that the dynamically written rules are usually the same. 

  • edited May 2016
    This is just how we did it. Nothing special. Custom skin is just coded differently from pre-defined skins.
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