subheader image not showing

Thanks in advance,

I have uploaded subheader images to my blog pages but they do not show up.
am I missing something?

Also for some odd reason, one of my blog pages is a "page" rather than a "post"
This "page" does show the subheader image.

How is a page in my blog area?

Please excuse any evident ignorance but this is my first blog attempt after having only designed websites


  • 1. As we can see, you don't have any subheader so how you want to display subheader background if that section does not exist?

    2. We don't get your second question.
  • 1. Under each individual blog page I have uploaded a header image under "media". this has worked for normal pages within the website (ex: but, for some reason, not in the post pages.

    2 . One of my blog "posts" is actually a page, not a post. Here the header image works.
  • 1. Posts are not pages and that's why it does not work the same on post pages. To set subheader background per individual posts, you need to use extra css:
    .postid-xxx #Subheader { background-image: url('PATH-TO-IMAGE') !important; }
    where xxx is post id.

    2. Like you wrote, it's PAGE and that's why you got this background.

    Please notice that POSTS ARE NOT PAGES and that's why does not work the same.
  • edited May 2016
    1. so....
    if I paste this code into the css those header images should show...
    but I have and they still do not show. 

    oops! "where xxx is post id." - so each post needs its own code?

    1.a.why is there the option (under MEDIA) to add the header image in a post on each post page if we then need to add extra code for each post? 

    2. The question is:
    how did I manage to have a PAGE captured in the blog/post area?
    I did ot do it intentionally - nor do I know how that happened.
    Normally I would assume that a PAGE is static and cannot be classified in the BLOG

  • 1. Did you set right post ID's? This might be main reason why subheader backgrounds does not appear. Please send us example link to page where you set this background and we will see if you did it properly.

    1a. We must simply limit an options for those who use poor hosting services. More options = more problems for people with poor hosting service.

    2. To be honest, we have no idea because we did never met with anything like that before.
  • what that is have to to with the hosting?

  • It's simple. More options = more memory need to be allocated on server. This is what more options have to do with the hosting.
  • link to page:

    here is the code placed in:
    be theme options: CSS
    .postid-2383 #Subheader { background-image: url('PATH-TO-IMAGE') !important; }

    we have a solid hosting
    thanks for the help!
  • thanks have been out of the country for a while
  • I think I have figured it out. Under Appearances: Betheme Options: Subheader: Transparency it was on solid. Now I made it transparent and the image is showing. Too many choices.......
    : )

    thanks anyway!

  • Great :) We are glad to see that you found it!
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