Removing the % sign on the progress bars

I wish to remove the % sign in the value box at the end of the progress bar line.  

I have tried to find the label but have had no joy.  

Can you please assist me

Thank you


  • Hey,

    please send us url to page where you got progress bar items and we`ll have a look on it.
  • Unfortunately this can be removed only from theme files as this sign is made within php and that’s why can’t be removed within css. With next update we can put this sign into html tag and then it can be removed within below css:
    .progress_bars .bars_list li h6 .label em { display: none; }
  • Perhaps you could include a choice. Rather than remove the label, have the option to set a variable for example we can choose years, months, days or millimeters etc.

    The problem that it also works out the bars to 100%  is an issue for example in our bars we have 138mm of rain in one month and 110mm in another and 50mm in another it shows the 58mm as 58% but others it shows as 100% ?

    This is misleading to the researchers and our university students so we need to address this now as we have to make a presentation to the Ugandan Govt and we wish to use our web site as part of this presentation.

    If you have any suggestions this would be great,

    Many thanks

  • We understand but this item has been created for % uses. But we'll consider what you mentioned above while future updates but first we must finish previous features and updates.

    Thanks for understanding!
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