How to create custom bullet lists

edited May 2016 in Blog
Hi Guys,

I am trying to acheive something very simple and that is to create custome bullet lists using the many great icons that come with the theme.  However, I could not find a clear and easy way to do this.  Can you please send me the necessary code that will help me create customised <ul> bullet lists in my content?  I need to be able to:
i) Select the relevant icon as bullet;
ii) Select the colour of the bullet icon;
iii) Select the size of the bullet icon;
iv) Prevent the standard dot bullet from showing infront of my custom bullet.

It really would help customers if Betheme finally applied a little more attention to this basic, but highly important feature, and included it as a standard component of the theme like many other good themes out there such as *** and ***.
Thanks in advance.


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