Betheme Options

Hi, Please advise me how to change the color of the Bon Appetit center section of the homepage footer and also, the color of the drop down menu category list, filter list, search menu (those that have blue color). I'm using pizza template. The link is:  Thank you very much.


  • Hi,

    1. Do you mean to change it's orange background color to different one?

    2. The only blue color we noticed is Search in the footer which can be changed with the following css:
    .widget_search input[type="text"]:focus { background: #000 !important; }
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your response.
    1. Yes. The background of Bon Appetit
    2. Would you check the Menu categories in order online too please? They are have blue color.
    Thank you very much.
  • 1. Ok, so to change it's background color, please go to Muffin Builder where the content is, open section settings and there would be an option to change it's background color.

    2. Where exactly? Above css supposed to change the color on all pages.
  • Hi,
    1. It's ok now.
    2. It's in Product Categories. When you click on product catalogue to select a category. Changing that search CSS works on the footer but does not on the order page. 

    By the way, I have something come up. Please advise how to add a border around the product categories images. Thank you. 

  • 2. So how can we re-create it? What's the process?

    In reference to your new question, would be great if you can show us how exactly you want to add borders for product images.
  • 2. I used pizza demo template and get that. It could also came from the betheme original when one install the theme. This is the blue color I'm talking about: 2016-05-27, 9 47 50 AM.jpeg?dl=0

    3. I like a border (color can be changed) around the product and category images like the placeholder at the top of the image below: 2016-05-27, 9 51 42 AM.jpeg?dl=0
  • 2. As we can see, this is default select field. Can you be more clear of what you want to do with this field exactly? Do you want to change it's color from blue to another one or what exactly?

    3. So to add similar border around those images, you need to use the following css:
    .woocommerce ul.products li.product { border: 2px solid #E2E2E2 !important; }
  • Hi muffingroup,Yes I want to change its color from blue to pale green or any other color that I can change afterward.
    #3 thank you. It's done.
    #4 How do I move the homepage slider on tablet down? It works fine with all other devices except tablet. Thank you
  • 2. So this color can not be changed unfortunately as it's made by browser itself and we have no impact on it.

    4. What's wrong on the tablet exactly? We checked it already and we do not see anything wrong.
  • Hi, in slider revolution, If I set the margin top (in slider general settings > layer and navigation) 85px it works fine for tablet but the mobiles will have large extra white space at the top of the homepage slider (currently set like that). If I set it to 0, it works fine with the mobile but on the tablet the slider will be cut off at the top by 85px.
  • So it means that you need to set different value for mobile and different for tablet.
  • How do I do that? The setting has only one spot. Please advise. Thank you.
  • Ok, you're right. There is only one option what means it is not possible to set different value for mobile and tablet and there is nothing else what we may suggest in this matter.
  • So that's a flaw of theme?
  • Are we talking about theme or Revolution Slider then? Because we are confused and if we talk about the slider, it's flaw of the slider, not theme.
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