Pharmacy Theme Help

I need help with three things on the Phamacy Demo. Thanks!! W

The site I am working on is here:
  1. How do I get rid of the shopping cart icon in the menu bar? I am using Woocommerce only as a way to add product. We do not sell online.
  2. I need to change the color of the product categories background, right now it is a light blue and I want to go with grey. Where do a I change this? Ex. is here on the sidebar:
  3. Up at the very top right corner (above the shopping cart) is the following. I can not locate where to edit this within the theme. Is it in widgets? Which one? Or is it in theme options?


  • Hi,

    1. This icon can be removed under Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop section.

    2. You can do this with an extra css:
    .widget_product_categories ul li a { color: #000 !important; }
    .widget_product_categories ul { color: #000 !important; }
    3. This is additional menu which can be edited under Appearance > Menus section.
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