Issue with WPML & Visual Composer Button Links

edited July 2016 in Theme support
Hi There,

I have duplicated my Spanish page but need my button links on the page to go to another page on my Spanish side (relative path). But my theme only gives me an option for a full url path so my child pages for Spanish languages will go to the specific url and not the relative page of the language. I need them to go to the relative path. Any suggestions?
It seems the button function (visual composer) is giving us hard time.



  • Hi,

    what you described above has nothing to theme. This is just WPML plugin works and as far as we know, this can not be changed. Of course you can contact with wpml support team but we are pretty sure they would tell you exactly the same.

  • Hi,

    As I mentioned, the issue is with the Visual Composer button. Since VC is a part of the package I bought, VC support theme refereed me to you to solve the problem. Again, the problem is not your theme, It's not WPML, it is VC "Button" component.

  • If the problem is with VC button, then only thing we can do is report it to plugin's author with hope they would fix it during future updates. Please notice that we are not allowed to touch plugins which does not belong to us.
  • Thanks 
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