Map Set Up for Mobile (be theme - Toy)
Hello again,
I am almost done setting up this template with the exception that the map section does not move when you view the website in mobile. In other words. I have the Marker Icon flag in the center of the map when the window is seen in desktop mode but when you look at it on a mobile the flag is off the display. It does not re-configure itself in the middle of the display automatically. Is there a way to set the map so it centers itself even when in mobile?
I have the draggable option and zoom option on at the moment.
Styles: [{"featureType":"all","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"saturation":-100},{"gamma":0.5}]}]
and the lat and long are set in with a 16 for the zoom.
Let me know if this can be done.
Thank you,
please send us link to page where you got this map so we can have a look on it.