Add To Cart Button

Hi Team

I really love the flexibility of the theme - however I'm trying to do a shop slider of the products on the home page per catagory.

The only down fall is the add to cart button does not appear?? how can i add this so i can have it their  - marketing manager wants the customer to go direct to add to car and check out and feels clients will deviate from buying if they have to go to many pages before deciding to buy.

if shop slider can't do this - how else can i use woocomerece to slide products by category with add to cart button or atlas change it to buy now button?

really don't want to use shopkeeper theme.


  • Hi,

    If "Add to Cart" does not appear in header, you need to set cart icon under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop section. Also, make sure you didn't deactivated Right Top Bar under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Extras section.
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