*FIXED* Logo not loading/Firefox and Safari disaster

edited October 2016 in Files & images
**UPDATE: after disabling the plugin "W3 Total Cache" every single issue resolved immediately-FYI in case anyone else has this issue**

Just recently my whole site had issues--sticky menu disappeared, logos disappeared, etc. After uploading a backup and adding image files back in, the site continues to try to load an old image that no longer exists (you can see this when you inspect the site in Chrome). I've removed all old logos, uploaded new logos, added the logos back in under Appearance, and still the site is calling for the links to the old logo when you inspect the site--so the images are showing as broken image links. Sometimes the logos appear when I'm logged into the site, but upon logging out (public view) they're back to broken links. I can't get it to load the new logos even after clearing caches, removing all image files and replacing with new files. Please help! It's very important we have our logo displaying!

Additionally--our site isn't loading its stylesheets on Firefox and Safari suddenly--that means people can only see our site functioning in Chrome! Big problem!!!


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