Need Demo Recommendation

edited October 2016 in Other

I find this theme very very flexible to customize but I still frustated on customizing it since I have no much knowledge even on basic wordpress usage.
so here I want to ask for demo recommendation that fit with my needs. til now, the one that most suitable for me is PORTFOLIO demo but it's not 100% though.

here are the sketches :

mainly, I must have things that have yellow text. the orange isn't a must. here are the list :
  • I want to build portfolio page for illustration / design service
  • dark theme
  • homepage slider like on PORTFOLIO demo page, it's very awesome and FULLY responsive.
  • image box but only with simple hover effect. with title + short text below it. I can't find the shortcodes for this.
  • buy button, actually already found, must have this though
  • when the images on portfolio are clickable, there will be pop up window appeared. it comes with details + buy link
  • if the detail can come with slider it would be better. whatever the style.
  • others are flexible
If you have those features in one demo template, even outside BeTheme (but under muffingroup ofcourse), I wouldn't mind to buy it.
mainly, need the template without customizing too much.

would be happy to get assistance for this, I'm open for some offer if needed. if there is anything needed from me, please let me know. thanks!


  • Hi,

    as we can see, what you are asking for requires a lot of customization. We do not have any demo that would fit to your needs nor we do not have any similar features besides BeTheme. Anyway, if you want to get what you presented above, you need to contact with web developer who would be able to do such customization for you. If you don't have any, feel free to contact with our colleges who offer such customization for BeTheme users: and

  • thanks for refering those service :)
    I'll simply try there as long as it's possible to modify with betheme.

    thank you!
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