Woocommerce product view Grid/List Toggle

edited October 2016 in WooCommerce
We have a client wanting a Woocommerce product view Grid/List Toggle at the top of the product archive page, which many themes offer. Be Theme however does not.

YES there is a plugin that adds this functionality to Woocommerce, but it is neither well implemented or functioning properly in responsive mode on a mobile with Be Theme.

Has anyone successfully implemented this feature AND is it ever likely to be a built in function of Be Theme, as it really should be?


  • Hi,

    could you point us to place of WooCommerce plugin where such possibility is included?
  • edited October 2016
    Here you go, [Removed because promoting other themes is not allowed] theme has it.
  • This is the plugin available, but the mobile view is corrupted in Be Theme so it can not be used.

  • We do not ask you if other theme has it. We are asking for an option/possibility of default WooCommerce installation. We also have many features/possibilities that other theme doesn't have but it's not the point. We need to know where this option/possibility for original version of WooCommerce plugin is.
  • We are sorry but we had understood each other because do not ask you if other theme has it. We are asking for an option/possibility of default WooCommerce installation. We also have many features/possibilities that other theme doesn't have but it's not the point. We need to know where this option/possibility for original version of WooCommerce plugin is.
  • edited October 2016
    I do not even understand what you are asking...

    "We need to know where this option/possibility for original version of WooCommerce plugin is."

    I am not saying it is in original version of WooCommerce if that is what you are asking, I am saying that it is a very common option in many OTHER ecommerce stores, it is requested by our clients, and some implementations of Woocommerce have it, as shown in the [XXX] theme.

    Where it is implemented elsewhere is not relevant, I am simply asking if you plan to add it to Be Theme any time soon? Given the many features you have in Be Theme is seems to be something of an oversight to not have this feature.
  • Ok, so now we know that you are simply asking for an additional feature for a WooCommerce plugin. We thought that you were talking about the WooCommerce option that we oversight and that's why we were confused. So thanks for your explanation and we will consider this feature while future updates of course.
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