[Solved] Revolution Slider stop playing slide when more than 2 slides

edited November 2016 in Revolution Slider
I have many project with it own animated slider (which is well playing),
but when I add project slide in to HOME SLIDER (which will show at home page),
When it start playing, it will flash the hidden #3 slide first, than start playing #1st slide,
and Revolution slider will stop playing after first 2 slides and not showing others slides!

I've tried many way try to solve it,
duplicate the slider, check text html conflict in slide, add from user template, export import or create new one, progress or looping setting in General settings, etcs... 
but the home slider just hang at 2nd slide.....

Than finally I found out that,
the slider hang causing by the SLIDE NAME (#1 slide)!
Because I created each slider first,
than I compile each different slider's slides into HOME SLIDER (by Add Slide/Add from template/Local slides),
so the imported slide remain the name as (#1 slide),  (#2 slide_XXX),  (#3 slide)...

I've found out that,
The flashing of #3 before playing #1 slide is because my #1 and #3 share same slide name (#1 slide) and  (#3 slide),
but the #2 slide name is different  (#2 slide_XXX),
so it can play #1 and #2 (which both slide have different name), 
and it will hang at #3 which share same name as #1 slide.

After I changed the slide name into different name as (#1 slide_abc),  (#2 slide_def),  (#3 slide_ghi),
the HOME SLIDER (which contain many imported slides) works fine now!

Hope this help those who have same problem as me!

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