How to set a Background Images in the Header

I want to set an image under the Logo and the menu. I´ve truied to set it in the Betheme header options but not working. I´m using the music DEMO.


  • I can see it on other pages that dont have slider revolution. Can I see it even if I use slider revolution on my main page?

    Also, can I see the BG image on sticky menu? How do I change the color of the menu if I can't?

    So many question, I know.
  • Hi,

    header's background can be set under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Header section (globally) or if you would like to set different header backgrounds on different pages, then you need to use Featured Image option on the right hand side while editing or creating page.

    We do not have an option to set background image for sticky header but you can change it's color under Theme options > Colors > Header section.
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