Messed up the website by installing demo data

Hey guys,

I'd really appreciate any advice. I had a website pretty much done and live, but I wanted to add another post earlier. I didn't have any demos to help me with the new post, so I went to Appearance > BeTheme Demo Data. I first chose default layout and then demo, but quit the installation in the middle of it (because I panicked I might not be doing something right, and well, I was right). Either way, it obviously was imported because now my website looks like this: 

When I go to WP's Portfolio section, there are still the pages I had previously up on the website, only unpublished I suppose. 
So I guess I want to know what the quickest way to go back is? I'm a little panicked as I was supposed to send some job applications tomorrow and I managed to completely mess up my website. Thanks for any help.


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