problem with share post

Hi support!
I'm trying to share a post through Share Box option.
When i'm trying to share it througe LinkedIn i get an error: We’re sorry. Something unexpected happened and your request could not be completed. Please close this window and try again.

Can you please tell me what was wrong?
this is my post page:
Thank You!!!


  • Hi,

    something must be wrong on your side because we tried to share and everything works fine.
  • I check everything and it's look like everything is good.
    Also i copy the same line as facebook and google+ and they worked just fine but on linkedin i get this error message.
    Can you please send me an example of Linkedin share box code?
    Thank you very much!
  • So if this happen only for Linked in, then you must contact with plugin's author because we are not responsible for plugins code. Maybe linkedin changed something in their scripts and author did not updated it.

    However we checked our demo and we do not have LinkedIn on default theme so or you modified on your own something and that's why it does not work or the problem is on plugin's side.
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