plus & minus sign / product quantity are not displaying

Hi there!

Let me start by saying this this a great theme, very versitile and expansive!  I have however ran into a problem recently and that is that the plus and minus signs and product quantity just simply do not want to display on the checkout.  Has anyone experienced this before with BeTheme?  I've worked on different projects with woocommerce and other templates and it seems to work fine but with BeTheme it just does not display.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Please see screenshots below as to what I mean.

plus & minus sign / product quantity are not displaying:  image

link to sample product and the problem when you try to add to cart:

I've searched this forum for any help and unfortunately have come up short and I don't really know where else to turn to.  Any help would be greatly apprecaited!


  • Hi,

    could you send us working screenshot with explanation what does not display exactly? We checked your site and didn't noticed anything wrong.
  • Very sorry about that.  I thought the link would show up since it was a dropbox link.  Below you'll find a screenshot as to what I'm talkign about via Google Chrome


    This is a screenshot with Internet Explorer


    My problem is that the number that should display to add quantity of products isn't showing up.  Please see reference below as to what I'm talking about ( highlighted in the red circle )


     Please let me know if you need anything more from me and any help or explanation would be appreciated!
  • Please switch to default WP theme then and check if it appears there because we are pretty sure this has nothing to do with the theme as we checked it already on our side.
  • It is still not displaying the product quantity, even with the default WP theme 2016 ( see screenshot )


    Could you send a screenshot of what it looks like on your end?  Could this be then an issue with WooCommerce instead?  Thank you for your help!
  • Yes, the problem is definitely unrelated to BeTheme itself. The problem might be related or with the WooCommerce and it's settings or with other 3rd party plugins that has conflict with WooCommerce.
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