Contact Form 7 Message Display

Hi there,

in your base.css (betheme/css/base.css) on row 223 the row .wpcf7-validation-errors{border:0;display:none!important} stops all contact form 7 errors from being displayed.

Is this intended? It seems like it is, but I can't understand why you would want that.

Could you please fix this?

Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    did you saw a contact form on any of our demos? If not, please check and you will see how they looks like. This is what the designer exactly did and we agree that such forms looks much better.
  • This line in particular is not a design issue, it only hides the error messages from the user.

    If the look of the error messages displeases you and your designer, feel free to change them, but simply not displaying them is removing functionality. At least make it optional so we have the choice to display them, instead of forcing us add more css to overwrite yours.
  • Sure, we will consider this while future updates. Thanks for the suggestion!
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