empty spaces show with question mark


I have a problem with encoding with your theme..

On every my post where I have more space than one i get question mark.. and many other characters when typed i get question mark. 

Why is that and is it possible to fix it.. ? 

Here is the website with that problem on the top post.. 

Thanks upfront 


  • Hi,
    Check if the font you are using does work with special characters.
  • Hello, 

    My font is Google Raleway. https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Raleway
    it has all needed characters.

    Ive searched on forum and google my problem and found that it could be character encoding in database problem and contacted my hosting support, but with no luck, they could not find the problem, and send me to you, to check with the theme provider. 

  • Does this problem still occur? I have visited your website and it seems to be allright.
  • Hello, 
    Sorry for the late response,this problem is partial fix.

    Now I recive warrning 

    Warning: mb_convert_encoding(): Illegal character encoding specified in /home/spotcr5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mpc-massive/shortcodes/mpc_snippets.php on line 2281 

    I've contacted plugin support and they told me to activate Multibyte St?ring Functions on my server to fix that warning, but with no luck, do you know maybe solution ?

    Best regardsv
  • We are sorry but we don't know what might be the real reason. Above issue has nothing to with the BeTheme itself and is related with your 3rd party plugins.
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