pseudoelement color
Muffin, hi! Need a little help.
A few times faced with a CSS problem concerning pseudo-element color change on hover. For example - the button Back to Top. If I want to change arrow up color on hover - how can I do that? That is pseudo-element and any styles ::hover::after do not work... A few like this situations was with control buttons in sliders. When the button is light - gray arrows are looking fine, but if I want on hover to change the button background - no problem, but to change arrow color on hover - problem...
A few times faced with a CSS problem concerning pseudo-element color change on hover. For example - the button Back to Top. If I want to change arrow up color on hover - how can I do that? That is pseudo-element and any styles ::hover::after do not work... A few like this situations was with control buttons in sliders. When the button is light - gray arrows are looking fine, but if I want on hover to change the button background - no problem, but to change arrow color on hover - problem...
Read more about pseudoclasses here:
some_my_class::hover::after {color: red;}
But! the metter is as follow that you use element <i class="arrow-up"></i>
And it does not react at any css! Simply try to change arrow up color at hover in Back to Top button - and you will realize what the problem is...
I spent about 2 hours - nothing, and you simple: :hover not ::hover...
I tried all combinations, but it seems - that impossible to do...
Try yourself to change arrow color - and show that in even one theme...
Yours code: <a id="back_to_top" class="button button_js" href=""><i class="icon-up-open-big">::before</i>::after</a>
and css:
#back_to_top > i {
color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
Show please how to make that arrow red on hover. The simplest task - but try!
And I should use ::hover, not :hover - that pseudoelement, but as I understood - css will not work at them in such environment ... May be I am wrong?
uff ... - all done at last! forget that, thanks for support and wish to help!
I just did not pay attention at very close color range from a:hover and #back_to_top > i. Then with color picker noticed change and realize:
When #back_to_top > i has css color style - nothing will help... (! and that go from your layout.css:1456;) neither any hover, nor playing with pseudo... (it inherited with ::before and ::after) .
I have to switch #back_to_top > i to color: inherit !important; in my child css, otherwise - impossible or strange logic of darking or lighting (may be you are able to explain )
Only after that <a> started to work as expected... Thank you again!
If you wanted to see something - access is active...
You changed it yourself?