Mobile website

Hi muffin team,

Im working on my mobile website at the moment and have a couple problems which i cannot fix, hope you guys can help me

I would like to do the following things

- make the header section transparent so the header logo is not visible but the menu toggle should still be visible
- under the logo is a line with a background picture which i use on my desktop version of the website, but even tho i disable the row on mobile the Background picture is still visible
-same problem with the parallax picture, parallax is disabled for mobile, but still appears

thank you guys


  • So you want to hide the logo on mobile?
    Paralax is disabled on mobile devices, not on mobile view in your browser.
    We do not see any subheader image, please clear your browser cache.

  • edited April 2017
    -yes i would like to hide the main logo on mobile, only sticky header with the small logo should be visible +menu toggle
    -paralax is disabled thats correct, but when you acces the page by a mobile phone (iphone7plus) it still shows paralax
    -same with the background image under the header

    i cleared browser cache and used several browsers and 2 different phones, it all shows up like the pictures i posted.

    by the way, the changes are only visible on the chinese version of the website at the moment, just in case you dont see them on your english website
  • To hide the menu on mobile use this css
    @media (max-width:767px) {
    #logo {
    display:none !important;
    About the parallax we do not really know what is happening since this is VC and not the muffin builder.
    And this cannot be fixed with css either. Please check if any other plugin is not interfering with the options.
  • ok will try to fix the paralax by myself

    but after using the css code you send me all the header are gone, incl. the sticky header which still should be visible
  • fixed the problems with Extra class name id's thanks

    i used the following Id to hide the parallax and background image 

    @media all and (max-width: 767px) {
      .stars11 {
        display: none;

    stars11  = Extra class name
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