Several questions for specific design

Hi Guys,

I have some problems I can't solve by myself. I hoep you can help me out / point me in the right direction.

1. Change hover color for buttons (
I need to change the hover color for buttons. Right now they only turn slightly darker but I want them to turn red on hover.
Is that a them setting I can change or do I need specific css (if so which one?)

2. Edit Icon backgorund in Icon Box (
Is it possible to edit (change color, delete) the background (inner circle and outer circle) of the icon in the icon box?

3. Edit font color (
How can I change font color below boxes in the diagram?

4. Edit button in promobox (
How can I change color of the buttons in a promobox? Also is it possible to center them?

5. Translation read more (
I checked theme options and it has been translated from the beginning already but on the website it still shows "read more".

6. Blog ignores border (
As you can see the border on the right side is ignored by the blog post. On the left side and all other pages it works fine. Do you know whats worng?

7. Change icon color (
Is it possible to either change icon color in general via css or specific via html tag?

Thanks in advance.
Best Stefan


  • Hi,

    1. To change buttons background and text color on hover, you need to use custom css:
    a.button:hover { background: #000 !important; color: #FFF !important; }
    but first, remove inline style from those buttons as we can see, you set color for some of them with !important declaration already.

    2. Yes, it is possible. To remove this background, switch to SIMPLE style under BeTheme Options > Global > General section.

    3. You can change them with the following css:
    .chart_box big { color: #000; }
    4. To change background color of the buttons for promo box, you need to use the following css:
    .promo_box a.button { background: #000; }
    5. This could be changed under BeTheme Options > Translate > Blog & Portfolio section.

    6. Where border is being ignored? Sorry but we do not understand.

    7. To change icon's color, use:
    i { color: #000 !important; }
  • Hi guys,

    thanks for your answers but some minor things left:

    2. Ok but then it affects other elements as well. Any chance to only remove background for this specific element?

    4. Can I align them in the center?

    6. As you can see on the screenshot the last post in the row ignores the border to the right.image

    Just one general questions. Isn't it possible to get a overview with all elements of the theme and their names. Like .promo_box a.button or .chart_box big. This way everyone could adjust simple things themselves and you have less work.

    Best Stefan
  • 2. use this css 

    .icon_box .icon_wrapper {
    background-image:none !important;
    4. You cannot because then all element would be entered.
    6. Use this css
    .entry-title, .entry-title a {
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