H1 backgroung font


I would like to know how can i change the background color in h1.
I´ve tried many things but none have worked.

I´ve tried this in custom css:

h1 { background-color:#000000; !important; font-weight:900; }


With this code i can get the font-weight to change, but i can´t get a background color, can you help please ?

Best Regards,


  • Hi,
    The website in under maintenance.
    you got an error in the code
    h1 { background-color:#000000; !important; font-weight:900; }
    it should be like this:
    h1 { background-color:#000000 !important; font-weight:900; }
  • Hi,
    Sorry i forgot to disable maintenance mode.
    I did insert that code that you said and still can´t get it to work.
    Can you check the website again, and help with this issue ?

    Best regards,
  • It happens because the line-height value for h1 is set to 0, you need to set it to a higher value.
    If you want the spacing to dissapear under the h1 just add margin-bottom:0 !important; into your css.
    You can change the line height in the css directly or in theme options>fonts>size&style
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