Change Headings on Muffin Builder Items
Im Using few items of the muffin Builder, and i see that For a lot of them, titles are automatically H2, but it's not a good Idea for SEO to have H2 all over the page.
So where can i change Them by H3 - H4 for example.
(I see that for example in "Promo Box" or "Trailer Box" )
Thanks for Your Help
It's possible now ?
In order to optimize SEO, this option seams more and more important.
Otherwise, have-you example code for add into functions.php of betheme child ?
Thanks !
Hi @Adventury_01,
Some of the elements have pre-defined headings, and there is no setting to change that.
So, if you would like to use some other headings in them, you would have to modify theme files in the child theme.
Best regards