Need help installing script in betheme

edited June 2017 in Other
I manually have to install a widget (not a shortcode) on a page in betheme.

The documentation says i have to insert this code:

<!-- This is the placeholder that contains the widget. --> 

<div id="_mwcloudCTT"></div>

<!-- Script that loads the widget in the container. -->


Obviously i have the facilityurl. Where in betheme do i install this?

I already tried it on this page:


  • Hi,
    you can pass this into any of the files locatedin theme options>SEO
    The top one loads in the header
    the bottom one loads in the footer

    Our policy clearly states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so unfortunately we cannot help any more with this.
  • Hi,
    thanks for your quick response! The solution you provided is for all pages. Is there a way i can use this in 1 page (i already tried custom css, but that doesn't seem to work).

    If this is a question beyond be theme let me know.
  • There is no possibility to put custom JS on just one page except editing the header and placing the JS code into a IF PHP statement.
    Yes it is beyond the theme.
  • Ok, thanks for clearing it up! I will look it up. Thanks for your help.
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