Strange Betheme text


First of all, thank you for putting togeather such a powerful framework. I am working on a test domain for a client and i am almost done with it but there is a strange text on the top left-hand site. text says "/betheme-child". 

I tried to remove that but no luck. Please advise how can I remove that text. You can view test website here: 

Plus I want to know that until we are not live is it ok to use the theme? Because usually, i purchase a copy when the website is LIVE you can see in account that I have purchased more than 20 copies. Please also let me know if we can use theme for test domains free until they are fully approved and Go LIVE. 

Again Thank you for wonderful work you guys have done. 


  • Hello,
    you can use one theme per domain, but you can install as many as you like on a subdomain or subdirectory.
    open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine. P.S. Anticipating your question, yes, those errors are not associated with theme and were made by you or one of your extra plugins. Thanks!
  • Thanks, Support. Yes, that was a silly mistake and I was stuck at it from last 3 days. I am your #1 fan for the awesome work you guys are doing. You can see that by the number of copies of your framework i have purchased and it is increasing :) 

    Thanks again guys. 
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