News Blog

I am having an issue with this page, Above the pagination I am using the 'Blog' item in muffin builder and the news doesn't show up. But you see below I am using the 'Blog News' in Muffin Builder and it does work. I can't figure what I am doing wrong that would make it not work correctly. All news items were imported into the site with a parent category of News. It just seemed weird that one would work and the other wouldn't. I can give you access to look at the page if you like. I appreciate any help you can give me. I have just re-downloaded Wordpress and Betheme and reinstalled just in case there was something funky with it and it didn't change anything. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 


  • Hello,
    if you want the blog to word correctly, please do not use items but set a default blog page in theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>blog
    Also go to settings>reading and set the post page to the blog page.
  • edited June 2017
    Okay, can I ask what the purpose of the 'Blog' items that you put in the page with the muffin builder are? Are those suppose to be used differently?  
  • The blog items are just to give the user a possibility to display some blog info on other pages.
    Like the main page.

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