equal height of wraps or item
why the equal height of wraps or the equal height of items for the section doesn't work on this page ?
to have the same height for the 3 times "opening hours" and the white background similar i had to insert some </br>
why the equal height of wraps or the equal height of items for the section doesn't work on this page ?
to have the same height for the 3 times "opening hours" and the white background similar i had to insert some </br>
1. Edit your page, and go to the muffin builder. Edit a section and under the advanced>style select 'equal height of wraps'. See screens:
2. Now edit each wrap in that section and set the desired vertical align(top, middle or bottom). See screens:
and this align the 3 wrapas but i dont have the same size as you can see ...
the first wrap is smaller
as you can see here
the first item 'téléphone 02......." is smaller than others in the wrap.
you can see that with the white background of the item
i made both of setup on the page as you can see : equal height of items in wrap and equal wraps with vertical align middle and i have alwayz 3 differents items size
BUT! The equal height of items in wraps means that you need to have ONE wrap, and all the items inside this wrap (if you want to make a row for example)
i have 1 section with equal height of item in wrap
and 1 wrap with the 3 items in
and the 3 items are note with the same height as you can see with the white background
i understand now !
equal height of wraps or items works only on column item ?
Equal height of items in wrap works for items in one wrap.
Please send us a link to this page so we can see how you did it.