Blog Background!

Hello Folks!

I have a problem with my website. I want to set up a background to be behind my blog-entrys, that do not cover the whole page, like I already did with my website:
I get the background behind the blog to work, but I also want to give it a nice frame, but I cant get it to work, its either to big, or rescales wrong, I dont know how to do it. I would like to have one at the top and at the bottom.
If you take a look at the website, the image is cropped wrong and does not show the border I made. I also would appreciate a solution, which works on mobile devices too. I want it to look like the way has it on their news page, ne blog entrys inside a nice frame.
WIth kind regards


  • Hi, 
    sorry but could you maybe do a screenshot and show me what exactly are you planning to do?
  • edited October 2017
    I want this to be like the background behind my blog.
    Everything I write inside the blog should be within the frame.
    I already know I need to make it into 3 sections, a top part, a middle part, and a bottom part.
    The middle part is a parallax with just 1px height. Thats no problem.
    But I need a way to set the top part and the bottom part. I cut the Picture I attached into 2 pieces, a top and a bottom, but how do I get to set them on their right place, so that they become a fully functioning frame?
  • Just prepare the whole background image, with border and set it to the container background css, also you need to set the background size to contain. This will cause a problem on resizing and is not the ideal sollution but we cannot offer any more advice in this matter.
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