Hi, It is the first time that I'm using your theme for on of my clients ... so I'm just learning to use muffin builder and I have a question:
Can I save as a template a full page, a section or an element (that I've already built and I know that I will use it an another pages)? Could you tell me how? because I couldn't get it...
Thank you for your help!
1. You can import/export the page builder content with the import/export tool at the bottom of the builder, see screen: http://prntscr.com/h1emu4
2. You can use also the templates, which let you create one universal builder layout and import it in the pages. Screen: http://prntscr.com/h1eo5z
3. There are also layouts which let you completly change a page look, including the header style and colors, menu, logo etc. http://prntscr.com/h1eola