"Retina Logo" load delay

Hello Muffin team,
I have noted that during our web-site initial load (digitalmeta.com) there is some kind of "calculation delay" which is visible on front end.
When website starts load on Retina display first regular "Logo" is used (Logo_Full-40x116_WO.png) and then in 1-2 seconds "Retina Logo" (Logo_Full-100x291_WO.png) is loaded. Also menu items spacing is changed after this "calculation delay" causing small "jump" to new position.
Is it possible to get rid of this output issue? F.e. output page only after Retina determination is done.



  • Hi,
    this is normal, the styles load longer and it looks like there is a delay. Maybe you are loading a lot of plugins or very bug images onto your website and it takes longer for the styles to load. There is not much that can be done here.
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