Header changes
1. How can we remove the subheader space altogether if we're not using a slider in page options, but instead the slider is inserted into the page to the left of sidebar?
2. How can I change the background color of the menu, full width? So specifically, I want the background of the menu to blue the full width of the screen, while the space above it is still white. I'm using the Stack Left menu option.
1. You can do it in Theme options > Layout > Header section. There is option named "Subheader | Visibility".
2. This is unfortunately not possible. Or you change whole background color or whole stay white. It is not possible to split them.
#2 No, we don't know any other. But if you will show us what you exactly mean (screenshot with explanation) we'll be able to tell if you if this can be accomplished with this theme.
2. If you will send us url to page where you got it, then we'll be able to see if this is possible.
3. Do you use "Custom" skin or one of pre-defined? Because custom colors works only with custom skin. If you use pre-defined skin then those colors can be changed within custom css only.
2. With your current setting background can't be changed for menu only because this is one big section where whole header is (logo, search, etc).