Columns and texts sizes
Hi Muffins!
I think I need your help again... I am almost done with my website using BeTheme Minimal and the Muffin Builder.
Checking on my Iphone, all seems to display correctly (vertically of course) but I am realizing that when I see the pages on my computer, if I resize the browser window, columns and texts don't maintain a correct layout.
I have seen in the discussions here that I can solve this with additional css settings.
This is one of the pages where you can see the problem if you decrease the window size.
the page is still under construction, but you can clearly identify what I am trying to say.
Thanks in advance as usual !!!
do you mean this?
Well there is too much text and it is creating this space.
You would have to use the section style 'equal height of wraps' or 'equal height of items in wrap'