[SOLVED] How to remove WPML flags placed after search lens icon?

edited May 2018 in Theme support
I use WPML plugin and see 2 language selectors.
1. The one I activated as a "main menu" language selector
2. Another one after the lens icon that activates the search text bar.

I am trying to remove the language selector number 2 but cannot find the option to disable it.
Neither in WPML settings nor in BeTheme settings.

Can you help maybe?


  • hello,
    you can adjust the language switcher in theme options>header&subheader>extras.
    If you want to add a language swither in the menu you can do that in appaerance>menus.
    Other than that we do not have other places to display the WPML language switcher.
  • edited May 2018
    that solved.

    Be Theme options> header&subheader > extras > WPML SECTION > Custom Switcher Style > Hide

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