Visual Composer override
How can I get these files to be overridable in my child theme?
I need to do some customization in Visual Composer but after include_once these files in function.php I get:
Cannot redeclare mfn_get_categories() in /home/mediastu/domains/nowa/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/meta-functions.php on line 14
Cannot redeclare mfn_vc_image() in /home/mediastu/domains/nowa/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/plugins/visual-composer.php on line 14
Should I add some condition check like that in original files, or elsewhere?
Could you add this to the template update, or write me how to customize myself?
How can I get these files to be overridable in my child theme?
I need to do some customization in Visual Composer but after include_once these files in function.php I get:
Cannot redeclare mfn_get_categories() in /home/mediastu/domains/nowa/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/meta-functions.php on line 14
Cannot redeclare mfn_vc_image() in /home/mediastu/domains/nowa/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/plugins/visual-composer.php on line 14
Should I add some condition check like that in original files, or elsewhere?
if ( ! function_exists( 'mfn_vc_image' ) ) {and
function mfn_vc_image()() {
// Do something.
if ( ! function_exists( 'mfn_get_categories' ) ) {and for other functions in these two files also.. and make this work for the future.
function mfn_vc_image()() {
// Do something.
Could you add this to the template update, or write me how to customize myself?
we'll wrap those functions with next update for you.
Do you know the date of a new release?