Some pages issues, some pages fine
Hi, I am working on a demo site for a new client I am having issues, but only with some of the pages. I was working on the website yesterday, all pages were edited and saved and displayed correctly. On the last page I was working on I made chances, saved, refreshed, all was fine, made more changes, saved, refreshed, all fine, etc. Then with literally the last thing i was busy with, I saved, updated, refreshed...and BROKEN! I undid what i changes last, didn't work, I restored to a previously saved version, still didn't work, I restored to a version of the page 3 months ago, didn't work. I then checked and saw I had some plugin and a theme update to do, did that, refreshed, didn't work. Again, let me just state, this is only for some page, not all of them. Some pages were fine, and after that one page broke, other pages that I didn't even have open, were also broken, but some pages were fine. I tried to troubleshoot and google the issue but can't find anything. I don't get error messages, there's nothing in the error report. I deactivated all the plugins, and activated one by one, it was broken from before I started activating the plugins. As some pages are fine and some or not, it's doesn't make sense that it's a plugin or a theme issue. On the page I was busy with when it all went to hell I had some custom CSS, I deleted that, didn't fix the problem. It also doesn't make sense how CSS on that page will affect other pages, or even CSS on the BeTheme Theme Options will have that effect on certain pages but not all of them.
I created a temporary login for you that I will email to you once you respond on this query.
Things that are issues for example are:
- missing headings
- missing text
- missing images
- missing parallax images
- missing elements like FAQ's added, or Hover Color Boxes
- Full/stretch row settings missing on front end
- Spacing/margins/paddings
When i look at the back-end of the broken pages everything is 100% fine, all set up correctly, on the pages I wasn't working on that also broke there wasn't even any changes made yet they broke.
I increased the memory limit for the site in wp-config, didn't fix the issue. Also, if that was the issue, why only some pages?
On the back-end of the broken pages, at the bottom of all the sections, below visual composer, below page options, below muffin builder, below the sentence Powered by...,all of that, there is a HUGE blank section of nothing. The scroll bar scrolls and scrolls and scrolls but there is nothing. That is the only thing I can see wrong and have no idea why it's doing that or what the steps are to fix it...
PLEASE let me know if you can assist.
The pages displaying incorrectly are:
The pages displaying correctly are:
- and all the blog posts are also fine
- and all the sub pages are also fine
Steps taken to try and solve problem:
- Deactivated all plugins
- Cleared caches
- Purged each page individually from cache
- Activated plugins one by one
- Reloaded the wordpress wp-admin and wp-includes files
- Reloaded the theme
- ensures the minimum requirements are met for the theme
- made sure I entered the correct licence key for theme
- increased memory limit in wp-config
- Restored older versions of page before it was broken
- un-do the changes I did the instance the page broke
- go to front page editor, then all the items are there and the page looks like it should, as soon as I exit front page editor the page is broken again
- cloned a broken page and published it
- edited page in text editor
- unpublished a page and published again