yes, I am talking about black stripes: . When I use this slider on other pages (non woocommerce) they are white and I want them in this color.
"Did you try to upload for this section a slider too? Same as for main page of shop." - I am not sure what do You mean. I created page "urzadzenia" under page "produkty-kategoria" to build url But it looks that woocommerce template overwrites my template from page "urzadzenia".
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
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1) I don't want full-width banner. You wrote that I should to try. The problem is back background on shop pages like this The same slider has white background on non-shop pages. And it is the effect I would like to have
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
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background:white !important;