Text areas and buttons not responsive / the same size
in Other
I have created text areas in different colours on the top of the home page https://sense-education.com/ and buttons on the top of one of the other pages https://sense-education.com/nos-formations/. These seem to be the same size on certain screen sizes, but two of them are not the same size when the screen size changes (English Campus and Teacher Training). I understand this is because there are fewer letters, but I need the buttons and text areas to be responsive and stay the same size as the others when the screen sizes change.
Can you please help?
Thank you
1. Edit your page, and go to the muffin builder. Edit a section and under the advanced>style select 'equal height of wraps'. See screens:
2. Now edit each wrap in that section and set the desired vertical align(top, middle or bottom). See screens: