Updates for WP Bakery (Visual Composer) & LayerSlider WP

I run every site of mine using BeTheme because i love the way it works and the ease of use and high customisation however more and more of my sites are getting hacked and when you check core files the hack loophole is through the Betheme files. 

For a while now i havent been able to update WP Bakery and LayerSliderWP and because of this i am afraid that avoiding updating these is whats allowing the hack? When will we be able to make these updates and if not will the theme still function if I uninstall and delete those plugins from the theme?


  • Hi,
    sorry but we do not understand what do you mean by "loophole" or "hack"
    Please send us some information about those so we can check it out.

    What happens when you try to update the plugins?

  • When i try update the plugins it says failed. And by hack i mean HACKERS are somehow accessing my core files through betheme as those are the affected files and they are putting redirects on my sites so it does not show my website anymore it shows a hacked redirect. And by loop hole means there is a down fall in the bethem files that hackers are able to get through to core files and make changes.
  • edited September 2018
    Sorry but if you do not point us to these betheme files that the hackers got thru then we cannot really do anything. Our theme is safe and the most common issues with hackers getting into peoples websites are:
    1. More then one theme installed, if you are using BeTheme, please keep only betheme in your themes folder.
    2. Plugins that we do not support and outdated plugins.
    3. Outdated wordpress files

    Those are the most common ones but there is also a possibility that your PC was hacked by some keylogger software and this is why they got into your website. The fact that the BeTheme files are infected does not mean that there is a vunerability in the theme files, this is because your are using and rendering the website in the browser. It would be pointless to hack files that are not beeing used.
  • 1. I only have betheme installed
    2. I always keep my plugins up to date as well as wordpress. Plugins that arent being used i delete. You say 'outdated plugins' which as stated above the only outdated plugins i have are Layer Slider And WP Bakery as it doesnt alow me to update which is my problem i first raised?
    3. Nothing is outdated except the 2 plugins bundled with your theme

    My PC was not hacked and yes the websites are already live and have been running for ages. I do not host locally anyway, i host through afrihost so unless their servers are hacked which apparently arent when i speak to them?
  • Sorry but the security of the website is up to the user, if you still will not present us concrete evidence on how and where the hackers got thru we cannot really take this seriously. The theme itself is safe and we never got any messeges from users about hacks. How could we possibly know what has happened in your particular case.

    If your website was hacked, please contact your hosting provider. If they think it is a theme issue then please show us logs or any evidence of that. If the hackers went thru the theme files, then they must have gone thru the hosting first, right?
    They cannot just access files from the frontend, this is not how it works.
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