How to vertical center elements?

i would like to create a two column row with an image on the left and text on the right.

I would like to vertical center the image on the left.
How can I do it?

Thank you


  • Hi,

    we are not sure if we understand what you mean, but while you got Muffin Builder you have "Visual Editor" item. Inside you can use the same editor as in wordpress default editor. So all you need to do is add image and the add text. While you have editor you should be able to play with that without problems.

    Hope this will help you a lot :)
  • edited June 2014
    thank you for your answer!
    Unfortunately, this can't help me. :(

    I want to create a row with two columns:

    IMAGE (1/4) --- TEXT (3/4)

    Using Muffin Builder, I can create an "image" element on the left and a "Visual Editor" element on the right, but the text starts from top left.

    How can i vertically center text?

    I would like to also vertically center the image on the left, because it is aligned to the top.

    Sorry If I can't be super clear but, in simple words, I want to vertically center content!

    Thank you very much :)

  • This probably can be done within css only. If you will send us url to page where you got this image and text, then we can have a look on it and try to find solution. The best will be to send access to your wp dashboard on pm so we can test everything.
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