"header-top-bar-right.php" has a code error
Hi - I just wanted to point out that I did your recent Theme Update (21.0.9) today and one of the php pages in the includes folder has a code update on it which caused the link in my ACTION BUTTON to not work anymore... or not become active. The current viewing page would just refresh itself.
Line: 92
NEW: echo '<a href="'. esc_url($action_link) .'" class="action_button'. esc_attr($action_class) .'" '. wp_kses_data($action_target) .'>'. wp_kses(mfn_opts_get('header-action-title'), mfn_allowed_html('button')) .'</a>';
Line: 77
OLD: echo '<a href="'. $action_link .'" class="action_button'. $action_class .'" '. $action_target .'>'. mfn_opts_get( 'header-action-title' ) .'</a>';
Once I reverted this page back to its old code my button worked again.
Thanks and hope you can fix soon.