Blog structure

By creating a new post, I can choose the page template between "Default template" and "Intro header".

The structure of the post then will be like in the "A" solution of the screen (see attachment).
I would like the article to have the structure of the "B" solution, with the featured image aligned in the right.

On which file can I work to get this solution?


  • Hi,
    Unfortunately, it's not possible to achieve with the theme options.
    You would have to edit theme files, but we do not support such changes.

    To customize it, I suggest taking a look at the single.php file in the main directory.
    It will navigate and explain you a lot.
  • Thank you Pablo, 
    I found what I was looking for! :-)

    In the file I need to edit (content-single.php) I found this command:


    which recalls the content of the post.
    Unfortunately I cannot figure out which additional template it calls.
    Can you give me some suggestions?

  • We do not provide help with the file customization.
    But, check for this function in the functions/builder directory.
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