Hello support, my website is https://ozonewithoutborders.ngo/ . Anytime i share an article or post from the site on facebook, it does not pick any images from the site.The issue of sharing and what comes up on all formats, why, why do we not get a graphic from the site and how can we and why does the original logo come up. 


  • Hi,
    Did you upload the image into the "Open Graph | Image" field in the post settings?
  • No i did not do that. what am saying is this. Normaly if one should post or share contents of a site on the facebook page or wall the post should automatically pick a picture from the site, i dont need to upload a picture to be attached to the post as long as i put the site link on the post, it should pick a picture automatically.
  • I checked the link you sent. with that option it means just one image will be showing everytime i make a post no matter the topic. no i dont want that. i want each post to pick an image from the site, different images for different posts.
  • Yes, it will take the image from the article, but only if you inserted the content in the Wordpress Editor.
    It won't take pictures from the Muffin Builder - and I assume, that you inserted everything there.

    Also, this option I sent you is unique for every post, it means, that you have to upload the image for every post on your website.

    Of course, you can provide the 'Default' image which will be displayed if this field(in single post) will not be filled.
    Theme Options > SEO
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