Gravity Forms Ready Class Not Affecting Columns

Hi there
I currently placed a Gravity Form within a 1/1 wrapper, within a 1/1 section.
When applying the CSS Ready Classes to the respective form fields it does not affect the fields the correct way in the front-end.
So say I use gf_left_half for the "Name" field it goes to the right, instead of left or if I use gf_right_half  for the "paragraph text".
It does not affect the frontend but goes to the left.
Even if I make the section Full-Width it has no effect.

Any pointers will be helpful.

Thank you for your time.


  • Hi,
    Can you explain how you want to make it look like?
    I'm not sure what exactly you want to do.

    Please make some screenshots with an explanation.
  • edited March 2019

    Hi Pablo

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Well, I would simply like the

    Contact Departments




    Fields to be on the left half of the column and the



    Im not a Robot

    Submit Button

    to be on the right half of the column.

    At the moment I set it to that in the Custom CSS class field of

    the Gravity form element e.g. gf_right_half, gf_left_half

    but it has no effect.

    Thank you

  • Can you make these fields alternately?

    I mean, if you change the HTML structure to get 1_3 field below the 1_5, it looks like you wanted.
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