Adding .CSS files to Child-Theme

Hi there,

I'm getting more and more into SASS using Google Chrome Devtools as my IDE. I'm using workspaces to change css live and let the changed files synchronize via devtools to my desktop. Currently I copy all my changes into the style.css of the child theme, so changes I've made in base.css will be overwritten in the style.css of the child-theme. 

In your newest child-theme v1.4 we can choose if the style-static.css is located in parent OR child-theme. I really like that - would it be possible to add e.g. responsive.css and base.css etc. in that function of the child theme? If that would work I could directly edit the files via Devtools, save them and just upload them in my child-theme directory. Also, for readiness it would be a much cleaner css if the files aren't load twice (once in parent and once in child).

Let me know what you think. When you have a better idea of an efficient workflow just let me know. What's your workflow in that case

Thanks in advance,


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